As I looked through older published papers of mine I realized that several went into depth on topics that I have only touched upon, if at all, in my recent blog posts. Most of these were done for scholarly conferences (and reflect a scholarly writing style required of this kind of work) and were peer reviewed.
I am posting some here, gradually, for those interested. I have retained the original PDF file format for easier reading/printing. Many have one or more sound files related to the topic.
(Photo above by Aaron Burden)
This post is about the paper, “Simultaneity and Polyphony in Speech Based Audio Art” presented at the 2002 International Conference on Auditory Display held that year in Kyoto, Japan. It consists of the paper and the audio file that demonstrates the technique of sound composition the paper addresses (also played in Japan). The PDF file and its accompanying sound file (link to Soundcloud) are shown below.
In this project I was asked to create a sound composition based on the short story “Over the Fence” (about a young Roma girl named Baboaca) by the Romanian-American poet and author, Lucia Cherciu. I recorded several women, each in a different location and at a different time. Each read the story out loud then added comments about Roma (“gypsies”), featured in the story, then their own name, occupation and place of birth (the last comments being used in the novel closed credits). Using the polyphonic simultaneous voice technique pioneered by the Canadian pianist Glenn Gould for CBC radio (see paper), I created a sound piece in which parts of the story are read in segments then the readers comment, after each segment, on their perceptions about “gypsies.” Total time of the piece is about 20 minutes.
THE PAPER AS A PDF FILE: esomers-icad02
Eric good post