Your Audio Penguin is happy to celebrate World Penguin Day today, 25 April, 2017 and tell you about some upcoming posts to The Audio Penguin.
I have recently returned from nearly two weeks in the Azores where I attended Invisible Places ’17, a conference on sound, place and environment. There were many interesting presenters and I am working on a review to be posted here by the end of the month. Also, the full proceedings of the conference will ultimately be published online and I will post the URL when that happens.
My own paper, presented at the conference, had lots of sound examples which I could not put in the printed version. I will be expanding my presentation and gradually posting it as four separate posts with sound clips included. Watch for that starting in May. In the meantime enjoy World Penguin Day and perhaps take time to read, or re-read, some of the many posts already on the site. Send comments too!
Waiting for the details…..